Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The greatness that was America will never be seen again


By Frosty Wooldridge
August 16, 2010

“Americans have been ‘enstupidated’. Having read John Taylor Gatto's seminal work, and several thousand other books on history and political subjects, it just appears to me that the main goals have been achieved. The communist party agenda has largely been enshrined in State and (especially) Federal laws. Rule of law is dead, as well as is obedience and fealty to our Constitution. Most people, especially so called elected officials and law enforcement, are ignorant as to what is actually written in our Constitution.

“One thing struck me recently as I was re-reading John Taylor Gatto's book. The goal of public schools is not education, but social control. It was to make revolution impossible by dumbing the populace down, and making them dependent upon their leaders. Previous generations of Americans (and other nations) often found their political leadership superfluous as they were more than capable and confident of seeing to their affairs without government direction.
Read entire article:  http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty585.htm

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