Monday, November 22, 2010

What has happen to America

What has happen to America today? In a excerpt from Billy Graham he said, "and we Christians sit by and watch. Why are we so helpless, why do we allow our wonderful free country to be over run by unsavory libertines who prey upon and pervert the normal desires of ordinary people, why do we submit to the cultural and social domination of filth vendors, pimps, addicts, hoodlums, gamblers, barflies, homosexuals, sex maniacs and power crazed lawbreakers. And the Church today remains silent and impotent in the presence of all that is taken place today. Whats happen? Well simply stated, it can be put like this, we've lost our power and today we need to learn the secret of power again." That power is God and the Holy Spirit. We need to seek him, believe on the Son whom He sent and receive His Holy Spirit. We are powerless in this world and we need the power sent from above.
Today, people think they can make things right in this world. They say, 'I will', instead of doing 'His Will'. Evil is rampant in America today. Darkness is closing in on all side. Only with and by the power of the Holy Spirit can lives be changed. J Vernon Mcgee said, "This is the day when Gods work is being done by committee. What a day for committees. Someone has said, "a committee is made up of the incompetent, appointed by the indifference to do the unnecessary. That's the Church today. We today have complex organizations, new methods, boards, programs, plans, drives, contest, budgets, sponsors, rallies, groups, pep talks, psychological approaches and high power advertising. The Church has it all today and is going nowhere. The machine is out of gas." The Holy Spirit gives us that power. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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