Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA - Welcome to George Orwell's "1984"

Barbara Simpson WND
Keep your filthy mitts off of me 
Posted: November 22, 2010 1:00 am Eastern  © 2010

I guess I lucked out. I flew through three airports 10 days ago and was only "patted down" once. It was at Tucson International. It wasn't one of the new "let me grope you" routines the TSA requires, but it was annoying enough.

In retrospect, it was probably part of the move to accustom us to what is a gross invasion of privacy – a demeaning and insulting procedure the government clearly hopes we'll accept like sheep and just, shut up.

In a way, that's what I did, because it happened so quickly. I got through the checkpoint – shoes and jacket off, belongings in plastic bins and through the metal detector. No problem, but suddenly, the large, officious female TSA agent standing there stepped in front of me and started to check me out. She didn't say a word, didn't ask, didn't tell – just did it. She ran her hands over my arms, back, chest and stomach. I suspect my shirt was too loose and she had to check that I didn't have a bomb tucked somewhere. It happened so fast that I didn't object. Not that it would have done any good. And that's exactly what the feds want. Don't object, question or refuse.

I was searched once before, at Oakland International. The agent passed a wand over my body and limbs. There was no hand to body touching. But this was different, and all I could think of was that she was wearing plastic gloves as she touched me. She wore gloves to protect her from dirt and germs from the people and property touched during a shift. Presumably, after hours of that, the gloves get dirty and germy and then, she ran those filthy gloves all over my body! How many people and their personal items did she touch before she touched me? I didn't want to think about it. It wasn't only invasive and insulting but clearly unsanitary. I'd showered and put on clean clothes before I left for the airport and then this! Why is it OK to keep her safe from germs but for me – or any passenger – it doesn't matter? It was disgusting; as soon as I cleared security, I removed that shirt and wore a jacket.
Read entire article:  http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=231365

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