Friday, July 15, 2011

H G Wells - The Time Machine - A 1960 classic

The novel treats fundamentally the fight of social classes. There are two kinds of humans that live in the earth in that future, the “Eloi” which are humans that have no intelligence, no strength and can’t write. We can say that they live in the surface of the earth; they are descendants of the capitalists. The other group is the “Morlocks”, creatures that live in the dark places of the earth, they are descendants of the proletariat and in the novel they finish dominating their old oppressors.

There are many interpretations of how this movie reflects our future, especially from an social and evolutionary viewpoint. My spin on it is that the Eloi reflects the current trend of our secular humanist society (liberals) attempts to raise their children in a gender neutral society with the express goal of erasing the male/female differences. Homosexual marriage is also a part of this. H. G. Wells would have never seen this coming. Also, our government has creating a welfare nation of brainwashed, dumb down people who have become totally helpless and are unable to survive without  their controlling influences. They  have lost the ability to think for themselves or to initiate any action to a situation they might find themselves in. That's where the Morlocks come in. Our bloodsucking politicians who have enslaved the people  have now evolved into grotesque flesh eating cannibals who now really do feed of it's population, literally. I think the one in the middle is a descendant of Congressman Barney Frank.

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