Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Norway's mass murder

King James Bible Ephesians 6:11 - 12
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The mass murder in Norway is just another reminder that evil exist in the World. Remember when Hitler and Stalin fought over control of the world. Hitler gambled and lost. Even Hitler was shocked that America sided with the Communist. Communism survived the war only because of America’s support. FDR sided with the Communist rather than relying on God. After WWII the Communist decided that their final obstacle; America, could be destroyed from within. Today, it’s the Godless Socialist blaming that other Godless force, Nazism/Fascism, which the Socialist falsely label as conservative right wing Christian fundamentalist for the shootings in Norway. When in truth whether it's the left or the right, they both do the work of Satan. The forces of evil are preparing to eradicate the final remnant of Christianity in the western world by blaming them for all the world‘s problems. That, along with the destruction of the Jewish State to set up their New World Order. Evil no longer uses war in every situation to conquer their enemy, but sometimes conquers thru lies, deception and most of all, brainwashing. Evil now hides their agenda in terms like human rights, equal rights or environmental issues. They spend every waking moment denying the existence of God and constantly promoting Evolution as a fact. Their idea of a one world religion is one with Satan as their God. Whether it is mass murder committed by one man or mass genocide committed by a government, it’s still the results of satanic influences. Hitler killed 6 million, Stalin 20 million, but who’s counting.

With Socialist in all levels of our governments, courts, schools and universities the brainwashing and deception is complete. They have completely indoctrinated the America people with every thought and belief that is opposite to the word of God. On the second front Islam is using immigration for their peaceful conquest of the western world. Satan uses all the tools at his disposal. Since both Norway and America acknowledge a belief in the God of the Bible in their history, you will see Norway suffer problems similar to America in their future. Especially since Norway is also turning their back on God.

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