Saturday, September 19, 2015

Donald trump on Obama and Muslims

 The Left and the Rino's are upset about Donald not calling down a man who made a statement during a Q&A at a New Hampshire rally about Obama and Muslims. Donald should not and is not required to defend either Obama or Muslims. Even if Obama is a American citizen, there still is no doubt he supports and defend both Islam and Muslims over Americans and Christianity. Also, he is not like John McCain, who during his run for the Presidency praised and defended Obama several times. So much that I wondered why he was even running. As for Muslims, what do all of them think and believe? A Muslin by definition is one who worships islam and the koran. They worship a moon god; not the God of the Bible. Satan worship should not be called a religion. Jesus Christ is the only way and the only true Religion if you want to use this word. Any other way is a cult and is of Satan.

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