Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson came under condemnation on Sunday for saying Muslims were unfit to be president of the United States, arguing their faith was inconsistent with American principles.
If you speak the truth in America today you will be condemn by the U.S. Government  and all liberals that do not possess a moral compass. If Hitler was on the ballot they would vote for him over a Christian. After 50 years of a anti God movement in this Country, how do you like us now? God's guide, the 10 Commandments have been replaced with man's 4 commandments. 1. Ban God from every aspect of our society. 2. Approve the right for women to murder their babies. 3.Hate moral goodness and promote all things evil. 4. Transform the United States into a Godless demonic nation. Evil has no boundaries. 
A footnote: Don't forget there have been many cases of shooting of our soldiers in the military by Muslims, even some who enlisted but still held firm to their Islamic faith.


  1. The ironic thing is those who cast dispersions on anything moral still enjoy the protection and freedom of a country that was founded on these very same principles that allows them to speak thier mind. To ask them to grasp such a concept is to complicated for thier minds, so they revert to the Richard Dawkins handbook and make a all out verbal assault on one's character to cover thier own ignorance and lack of imagination not to mention knowledge.

  2. The ironic thing is those who cast dispersions on anything moral still enjoy the protection and freedom of a country that was founded on these very same principles that allows them to speak thier mind. To ask them to grasp such a concept is to complicated for thier minds, so they revert to the Richard Dawkins handbook and make a all out verbal assault on one's character to cover thier own ignorance and lack of imagination not to mention knowledge.
