Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson and the U.S. Constitution

     The Left and all those who have been brainwashed in the Government school system all claim to be the only authority on the meaning of the Constitution. The only problem is that they interrupt it from flawed assumptions. They have become morally corrupted and can no longer imagine a nation with a moral foundation. They believe that our founding fathers thought and acted as we do today. Also, they believed that it was written to be a two edge sword. During every elections cycle or anytime someone takes a stand against any of their interpretations especially on a moral or pro Christian stance they go into a rage. They scream ‘separation of Church and State’ or ‘you’re a racist for standing up for Christianity only’ or as in this election ‘no religious test for office’. Even Obama has stated, this Nation was not founded on the Christian heritage.

     It is well documented that nearly all of the early settlers in the 16th and 17th century coming to America were fleeing from European governments that were increasingly hostile to freedom of worship of Christianity. Just like what is happening here today. The Government becomes God. After gaining independence from England our Founding Fathers were determine to set up a Judeo-Christian based Government that would be held in check from persecuting Christianity. It was not to remove the Church from government. It was to stop the Government from what has happen today which is banning Christianity from all aspects of American life including Government. The word ‘Church’ is used because the early settlers knew that Christianity was the only true religion. There were different denominations but only in the Christian Faith. Other false religions did not start to spread across America until the late 18th and 19th century. I would summit to you that ‘no religious test’ was to make sure that one denomination of the Christian faith would not try to rule out the rest. I submit to you that our early pilgrim ancestors would have been horrified at the concept of a person who is Muslim, Hindu or of any other sect for President. If you remember, they were not even in favor of a Catholic President. I applaud Dr. Ben Carson for taking a stand.

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